GH3 tablets - Functions and Constituents

PROCAINE HCl : Hydrolyses in the body into its two elements:

(1) PABA (Para-aminobenzoic acid) - stimulates "good" intestinal flora to produce vitamins B and K and Folic Acid.

(2) DEAE (Diethylaminoetharol) - generates choline and acetylcholine, both of which are essential to the effective functioning of the spleen, liver, brain and nerve impulse relays. It also normalises the level of mono-amine oxidase (MAO) in the brain, thereby functioning as an antidepressant.

METABISULPHITE: has blood cleaning and arterial cleaning effect, and works towards reducing hypertension.

POTASSIUM: stabilises the Procaine molecule to extend and reinforce its actions on the nervous system.

SODIUM: works primarily as a buffering agent to protect the Procaine whilst it works within the body.

BENZOIC ACID/POTASSIUM METABISULPHITE: stabilises the pH value of GH3 at between 3.3 and 3.5 (acidulous)

GH3 Pharmaceutical Grade Formula

Each tablet contains:

  • Procaine Hydrochloride 100 mg.
  • Pancreatin
  • Bromelain
  • Benzoic Acid
  • Potassium Metabisulphite
  • Di-Sodium Phosphate
  • Sucrose
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Natural Orange Colouring
  • Cruelty free - does not contain animal products nor is tested on animals.

DIRECTIONS - How to take Gerovital H3

For optimal absorption and maximum effect two GH3 tablets should be taken on an empty stomach with a glassful of water, in this way the digestive enzymes will not break down the active substance in the tablet before it reaches small intestine and enter the bloodstream in the correct way.

The body should not have to rely too extensively on a substance such as GH3, so it is advisable to have a rest period of about five days every 25 days, just to allow the body to perform naturally again, and not become dependant on supplemental help and to maintain a healthy functional balance.

Take the product on a regular basis, try to establish a routine pattern i.e. taking it when the alarm clock goes off, allowing one hour before having breakfast or any tea or coffee etc.


(From GH3 DISCOVERY by Jerome Godin, Pages 27 and 36)

"There are few substances on the market today which have undergone as much scientific testing as GH3. There are even fewer which have shown a comparable amount of positive results. Leading researchers have shown that GH3 is the safest and most effective antidepressant ever tested.

Dr. Nathan Kline, former associate professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons made a study on the safety of GH3. He gave both humans and rats up to 60 times the optimum dose of GH3. Neither the rats nor the humans experienced any side effects."


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